How to Move Forward After Being Laid Off: 6 Things You Can Do Now
Being laid off can be a difficult and disheartening experience, but it doesn’t have to be the end of your professional journey. Moving forward after job loss can be intimidating, but with the right strategy, you can take control of your career and create a path to success. There are a few key steps you can take to ensure you’re back on your feet and ready to move forward. This article will provide you with six things you can do now to gain the confidence, knowledge, and skills to thrive in a new job. From learning new skills to building your network, you’ll be able to build a strong foundation for the future. With the right plan, you can take control of your career and make your dreams a reality.
Take the Time to Reflect on Your Skills and Interests
Before you move forward, you need to take the time to reflect on your skills, interests, and career goals. When going through a stressful situation, it can be easy to jump into action without taking the time to think about your options. Whether you’re presently unemployed or looking to change your career path, it’s important to take the time to reflect on your skills and interests. Understanding the skills you currently have, the interests that drive you, and the things you want to do in the future will help you create a career path that’s right for you. Your career should be something you’re passionate about and should fit your interests and skills. You don’t want to jump into a new job that doesn’t fit you or that you aren’t enthusiastic about. Being in a career that isn’t right for you can make it difficult to succeed, so take the time to think about the future.
Take the time to reflect on your career and write down your experience, skills, and training. Use this listing to apply for positions that may be a bit different than your past opportunities. Mid-level leaders especially need to do this because they have probably acquired a ton of relevant skills and experience at this point in their career that can apply to a wide variety of industries. Don’t pigeonhole yourself into looking for a new position with the same title. Look for ways to make your skillset work for you!
Build Your Network
Building a solid network can benefit you at any stage of your career. Whether you’re currently employed or between jobs, networking is a valuable skill that can help you succeed and grow in many ways. A strong network can help you find the right job opportunities and gain the confidence you need to thrive. While there are many ways to build your network, a great place to start is with your current network. Don’t be afraid to tell people you were laid off (thousands are going through this, so there’s no need to be ashamed). Use all possible connections to help crack open doors, get interviews, or learn about new opportunities. Letting people know you are interested in building your network will make it easier for others to help you. Let people know how you can assist them and how they can support you. For example, when you reach out on LinkedIn to ask someone for an introduction to their connections, you can offer to return the favor, endorse their skills or write them a recommendation. You never know what opportunities will come your way.
Develop New Skills
When you’ve found yourself out of work, you’re in the perfect position to learn new skills that can help you land the best job for you. This is a rare opportunity when you have the time and flexibility to take courses or classes that can help you build the skills you need to succeed. Sometimes, being laid off can be a blessing in disguise. It can give you the time you need to level up and pursue a new career path you really enjoy. Determine if there are any soft or tech skills you need to work on to help make you more marketable – growth mindset and the willingness to learn are critical to mid-level leaders. Start by writing a wish list of positions you would love to have and checking the qualifications and requirements in current job listings. Are there skills listed that you don’t have or feel you need to strengthen? Next, search for courses you can take to brush up on skills or even earn certificates.
Finally, take a moment to do some honest self-reflection. Are there soft skills you struggle with, such as communication, or emotional intelligence? Think back on issues that would arise in your former positions, are there instances where you could have handled things better? Use this reflection to build a list of soft skills to enhance. Then look for books or online courses to help you develop the right set of soft skills to excel in your ideal job.
Build Your Support System
When you’re going through a stressful situation, it can be easy to isolate and focus on yourself and what you need to do next. While it’s important to take care of yourself during a difficult time, it’s also important to have a strong support system in place. You don’t want to go through your career transition alone. It’s essential to have people around you who understand what you’re going through and who are there to support you as you move forward. Make sure you’re taking the time to connect with family and friends and letting them know what you’re going through. Take advantage of the ability to have a bit more downtime, spend some extra time with your kids, your spouse, or your friends.
It is also a great idea to find a group of like-minded individuals who can support you and keep you in a good mindset. You need people around you who have experienced what you’re going through and have insights and actionable advice. Having a strong support system in place can make it easier to navigate your career transition and find the confidence you need to move forward. In addition, you’ll be adding to your core network as you build this professional support system!
Stay Open to All Opportunities
When you’ve been laid off, it can be easy to focus only on finding a new job, but you don’t want to close yourself off to other opportunities that might be a better fit. It’s important to be open-minded about any prospects that come your way. Consider taking on a contract position or even pivoting into a whole new career you always dreamed of. Being open to all opportunities can help you find the path that’s right for you and put you back on the right track toward success.
If you aren’t sure what you want to do, take some time to think about the career that would be the best fit for you. Again, this can be a blessing in disguise; take time to dream big and think outside the box about your next opportunity. It can even be helpful to ask friends and associates what they think you are exceptionally good at or what career they think would fit you well. Often these answers will surprise you and present new options you hadn’t even considered.
Stay Positive and Focus on the Future
When you’re going through a stressful experience like being laid off, it can be easy to focus on the negative. You’re likely worrying about finding a new job or having enough money to pay your bills. While it may be tough, it’s important to stay positive and focus on the outcome. Of course, you should acknowledge the stress you’re going through, but it’s also essential to believe in yourself and know that this situation is temporary and will pass. Focusing on the future and your goals can help you stay optimistic and motivated. Take the time to think about what you want your future to look like and what you want to achieve. It can be helpful to create a vision board or write down your goals somewhere you can see them daily. Above all, take the time to be grateful for the opportunity to slow down a bit, reflect, and choose your path. This experience could easily be something you look back on in a few years as the best thing that happened to your career.